Berrybank Nursery, 5 Boggs Holdings, Pencaitland, East Lothian, EH34 5BA
Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae

Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae

Common Name: 'Snow-in-summer', 'Dusty miller'

The well-known ‘Snow-in-summer’ forms spreading mats of silver foliage with little white flowers. This is a more compact form of C. tomentosum. May-Aug. H10cm S indefinite.

Care Instructions

It is easy to grow in most soils in full sun. While this form is less vigorous, it is not recommended for the average rock garden but it is useful ground cover and an ideal plant for carpeting dry, sunny banks or gravel gardens. 

Plant No: 511

About Us

Macplants are a long-established, family-run business. We are central/southern Scotland's largest growers of herbaceous perennials, alpines, ferns and ornamental grasses and have our plant centre open to the public in East Lothian, close to Edinburgh. We also supply a diverse range of trade clients both in the landscape and garden centre sectors.

Our Contacts

Berrybank Nursery,
5 Boggs Holdings,
East Lothian
EH34 5BA

01875 341179