Stipa tenuissima
Synonym(s): Nassella tenuissima, Stipa tenuifolia Common Name: 'Mexican feather grass'A lovely clump-forming perennial grass with pale green leaves which are topped by fluffy plumes of silver-green flowers which age pale brown. Jun-Sep. H75cm S30cm.
Care Instructions
Requires a medium to light, well-drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun. It becomes floppy and dies out if the conditions are too moist. Do not cut back in spring, simply tease out old or dead growth. Later in the season, if necessary it may be cut back when in active growth.
A popular grass due to its wonderfully fluffy flower heads, which you just can't just can’t resist touching. Why not plant it next to a seat or along a path? Also excellent for a gravel garden or container planting.