Persicaria affinis 'Darjeeling Red'
Synonym(s): Bistorta affinis 'Darjeeling Red', Polygonum affine 'Darjeeling Red' Common Name: 'Knotweed'AGM. This vigorous, mat-forming, semi-evergreen perennial provides excellent ground cover with lance-shaped deep green leaves which often turn attractive russet shades in autumn. The narrow, dusky-pink flower spikes mature red and are borne over a long period. Jun-Sep. H30cm S50cm.
Care Instructions
Prefers a moisture retentive soil in sun or part shade but it is tolerant of dry and light soils in sun or shade. Makes very good edging gound cover.

- Herbaceous Perennials
- Good as cut flower
- Good for ground cover
- Good for pollinators
- Good for seaside
- Award of Garden Merit
- Good for dry shade
- Good for partial shade
- Good for shade
- Good for sun
- Good for clay
- Good for dry soil
- Good for well-drained soil
- Pink flowers
- Red flowers
- Good for autumn
- Good for summer
- 0cm to 30cm
- Ground Cover