Hosta 'June'
Synonym(s): Hosta (Tardiana Group) 'June' Common Name: 'Plantain lily'AGM. PBR. A clump-forming perennial, this excellent variety is a variegated sport of H. 'Halcyon'. It has the same smooth, glaucous-blue foliage but with an irregular, creamy-yellow/greeny-yellow variegation in the centre of each leaf. In a shady situation this turns to chartreuse green. Pale purple flowers. Jul-Aug. H45cm S60cm.
Care Instructions
Hostas will grow in any fertile, moisture-retentive garden soil, but thin sands and heavy clays are best improved before planting. Best in shade or partial shade but can tolerate sun as long as the soil is moist. Mulch around the plant in autumn or spring. Makes an excellent contrast with ferns at the edge of a woodland or shady border. Looks wonderful growing in a pot.