Berrybank Nursery, 5 Boggs Holdings, Pencaitland, East Lothian, EH34 5BA
Carex pendula

Carex pendula

Synonym(s): Carex maxima Common Name: 'Weeping Sedge'

A UK native. Gracefully arching stems of yellowish catkin-like, drooping flowers are formed over large, robust, evergreen clumps of fairly broad, dark green leaves. Jun-Aug. H120cm S90cm

£7.50 - £10.00

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Care Instructions

A tough plant, this woodland sedge prefers a moist soil in semi-shade. It will however tolerate most conditions, even dry soil once established, and often self-seeds. Great for growing under trees with ferns and sweet woodruff..

Plant No: 598

About Us

Macplants are a long-established, family-run business. We are central/southern Scotland's largest growers of herbaceous perennials, alpines, ferns and ornamental grasses and have our plant centre open to the public in East Lothian, close to Edinburgh. We also supply a diverse range of trade clients both in the landscape and garden centre sectors.

Our Contacts

Berrybank Nursery,
5 Boggs Holdings,
East Lothian
EH34 5BA

01875 341179